Time ya'll ...where does it go?! I'm telling you it seems like the second I blink after posting a Studio Wrap-Up, It's time to write another one; so here we are!
April was a much calmer month, and I did get to enjoy many more days in the studio finding peace and chasing my imagination. During the month, I found that I am closer to who I want to be when I create. Painting, writing, scribbling on the sidewalk with broken shards of chalk; it all means something to me. It all makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. Everything is okay in those moments, and I can do, say, or be anything.
April was a slow month spent reclaiming my creativity and recommitting to the practice of pause daily. I didn't make any new mindfulness meditations for my social media friends, but I assure you (once again) that they will return! I discovered something this month, and maybe you've already known this, but I'll share it with you anyway: I am important. In my own life, I am important. You are important in your own life as well. Of course, we are important in each other's lives and in the greater collective, but you should matter to you too. You should do the things that you like. I should. We all should. I think sometimes we get caught in the whirlwind of change and self-improvement that we forget to take the time to see ourselves as we are and appreciate whatever we find. Sometimes what I want or don't want can come first, and that's okay. It doesn't make us bad people to think of what we need. Try it, you just might like it. 😊