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February Studio Wrap Up

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

What the what--those 28 days just RACED by! I can't believe another month is over, but here we are, and that means it's time for another studio wrap up. What did I accomplish this month? What did I learn? Let's get into it.

Let's take a look at my goals that I set at the beginning of the month:

- Continue to upload content to social media consistently

- Continue to create mindfulness practice videos

- Explore abstract portraiture further through work on paper and canvas

I'm happy to say that I did hit all of those targets this time. I also started a TikTok account which puts my social media log ins at another level, but I'm pleased with how I've managed my time on and off screen. I was also able to upload three mindfulness meditations (you can catch those on either YouTube or Instagram @kenyattahardenart). I didn't create as many smaller pieces this month, but I did do a bit of exploration on paper and play with some new techniques on canvas.

Overall, I am pleased with the direction I took this month and the progress that I made. Stay tuned for my March Studio Goals, and as always, thank you for being here.

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